Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bush just playing us with 'troop withdrawal'

"Everything you said about Iraq yesterday, and everything you will say, is a deception, for the purpose of this one cynical, unacceptable, brutal goal: perpetuating this war indefinitely."

Is this really Keith Olbermann? Wow.

“If you look at my comments over the past eight months," you told reporters, “it's gone from a security situation in the sense that we're either going to get out and there will be chaos, or, more troops. Now, the situation has changed, where I'm able to speculate on the hypothetical."

Mr. Bush, the only "hypothetical" here is that you are not now holding our troops hostage. You have no intention of withdrawing them. But that doesn't mean you can't pretend you're thinking about it, does it?

I want my friends home. They want to come home. They are sick of killing poor people for no reason. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. What is so hard to understand? The Bush dictatorship took us to the middle east to "spread democracy" and rape the land. Why is there people still supporting a war without any evidence? This is a MURDER machine. We are KILLING people. How can people be so callus and not try to understand the real reasons we are there? Stop being spoon fed America! Some people won't even listen to actual troops denoucing this war. It's because its WRONG!

Support our troops. Bring them home.

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